Modern women and men look much younger in middle and old age than their counterparts of decades ago. The reason for this is not only the improvement of living conditions and the lack of an exhausting workforce, but also the wide possibilities of cosmetology and the existence of a huge selection of effective and safe skin rejuvenation methods.
In order to significantly reduce the signs of skin aging and slow down the aging process, it is not at all necessary to go under the surgeon's scalpel. Depending on the client's specific problems and age, beauty salon specialists select various antiaging programs that include hardware, injection, and aesthetic procedures. Let's stick to the most popular salon methods of rejuvenation.
When should non-surgical rejuvenation methods be used?
The skin of the face, neck and décolletage requires special attention and professional care in the following cases:
- dull, gray skin color;
- age pigmentation;
- sagging, reduced skin elasticity;
- mimic and static wrinkles;
- omission of the corners of the eyelids, eyebrows, lips (gravitational ptosis);
- fat packs in the face area;
- double chin;
- paint bags and light grooves;
- dark circles under the eyes.
A complex of the most effective anti-aging methods or anti-aging procedures will help you choose a beautician. The specialist prescribes one-time antiaging procedures and rejuvenation courses.
Rejuvenating beauty injections
Intradermal and subcutaneous injections are minimally invasive rejuvenation methods that provide a pronounced and long-lasting effect. Popular types of anti-aging injectable procedures include:
- biorevitalization and mesotherapy- hyaluronic acid and mesococktail injections, which can improve the condition of the facial skin and slow down aging processes in the tissues of the dermis. The method is popular among young girls and men;
- botulinum therapyits purpose is rejuvenation, smoothing facial wrinkles due to facial muscle immobilization with intradermal botulinum toxin injection;
- filler injection- intradermal fillers based on hyaluronic or polylactic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite. The most common in cosmetology are hyaluronic fillers, which are injected at different depths. Injectable anti-aging biogels are used to fill superficial, medium and deep wrinkles, correct facial contours and replace volumes lost with age. For injectable rejuvenation, biodegradable fillers that reduce the signs of aging are introduced, which first create volume thanks to the filler, and then maintain the rejuvenating effect by starting the natural process of collagen and elastin production;
- lipolytic injections- splitting of fat cells on the cheeks, cheekbones, chin.
With significant signs of aging, anti-agingthread lifting– bioreinforcement with absorbable fibers in the lower third of the face. Another popular type of injectable rejuvenation method isplasmolifting(Platelet Rich Plasma), the introduction of a person's own blood plasma, plasma enriched with platelets, into the layers of the skin.
Facial rejuvenation procedures
Modern hardware cosmetology makes it possible not only to eliminate the first signs of aging, but also to rejuvenate the skin for ten years. Depending on the specific problem and the depth of skin aging, the beautician may recommend the following anti-aging procedures:
- photo and laser rejuvenation, in which the antiaging effect is achieved thanks to the heating of the dermal layer with light rays and the activation of the skin's natural regeneration processes. Recommended for women and men aged 25-45, photorejuvenation has a fairly mild rejuvenating effect and aims to correct certain aesthetic defects: wrinkles, age spots, post-acne. Laser surface treatment (fractional lifting) is more aggressive and is recommended for the 40+ category in case of severe signs of aging;
- non-injection biorevitalization or mesotherapy. Hyaluronic biorevitalizing agents and mesotherapy cocktails are used to perform antiaging manipulations. The penetration of useful ingredients into the skin is done by laser exposure;
- SMAS lift. The revolutionary new antiaging technique deserves special attention. The essence of the non-invasive SMAS-lifting procedure is the focused effect of ultrasound on the muscle-aponeurotic system under the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat layer. In the deep layers, the process of rejuvenation and tissue renewal takes place, as a result of which the oval of the face is tightened, sagging is eliminated, the second chin is removed, the corners of the eyes, lips, and eyebrows are raised. The rejuvenation procedure is a one-off, once a year;
- RF lift- a rejuvenating technique based on the effect of high-frequency currents on the skin and hypodermis. The skin rejuvenating effect is due to the warming of the tissues and the stimulation of the own production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid;
- cryolifting- cold skin rejuvenation procedure. In this case, the treatment of the facial skin with a special probe cooled to -15 °C acts as a stimulant of active regeneration processes, slowing down aging.
Hardware methods of rejuvenation, which beauticians include in complex anti-aging programs, also include basic procedures -ultrasonic cleaning and laser carbon peeling.
Aesthetic cosmetics for facial rejuvenation
In addition to hardware and injection methods, cosmetology also uses simpler but no less effective procedures for skin rejuvenation. These include in particular:
- chemical peels;
- skin care programs for skin rejuvenation, with a series of professional cosmetics according to skin type;
- massages.
Acid-based exfoliation- Quite popular anti-aging procedures, which are particularly effective at the first signs of skin aging. The method works by exfoliating the upper stratum corneum of the skin and damaging the living tissues of the epithelium. The deeper layers of the skin are not affected. The micro-burning of the skin increases the growth of collagen and elastin fibers and accelerates the tissue renewal process. Median peeling is used to correct age-related changes. Deep rejuvenating peeling is done using a highly toxic agent and only in specialized clinics and only once in a lifetime.
For lifting and facial rejuvenation in cosmetic salons, varioustypes of massage:
- manual classic;
- age;
- myofascial;
- sculptural;
- buccal;
- Spanish chiro massage.
Rejuvenating face massage differs in technique. In general, their essence lies in the normalization of metabolic processes, the removal of puffiness, and the stimulation of cell regeneration.
Complex skin rejuvenation procedures with the use of cosmetic products include cleansing, peeling, anti-aging liquids and serums.
Selection of anti-aging non-surgical procedures according to the type of aging
Beauticians distinguish 4 types of facial skin aging, and they select care and rejuvenating corrective procedures accordingly.
- Fine wrinkles type of aging. With this type, the face is covered with a network of wrinkles, age spots, and the contours of the face do not change. Chemical peels and mesotherapy procedures are prescribed to combat age-related changes. Photorejuvenation and botulinum toxin injections are very effective.
- The gravity type of aging. Its characteristic feature is the deformation of the oval of the face (second chin, jaw). There are also nasolabial folds, omission of the eyelids. The most effective methods of rejuvenation are massage, radio wave lifting, SMAS lifting, and lipolytic injections.
- Tired type of aging. In this type of people, age-related changes are manifested in unhealthy facial skin, the formation of bags under the eyes and nasal furrows, slight ptosis of the eyebrows, eyelids and corners of the lips. Fillers, peelings, and hardware lifting techniques are used as effective means of rejuvenation.
- The muscular type of aging. Signs of skin aging in this case are "crow's feet" around the eyes, hyperpigmentation, fine wrinkles around the mouth, markedly sagging tissues, and no deformations on the oval of the face. In addition to muscular aging, peeling, botulinum toxin and light therapy are recommended for skin rejuvenation.
The type of aging is not the only, although important, criterion for choosing rejuvenation methods. Anti-aging care is necessary for the skin after 30 years, the most effective anti-aging procedures or their complexes will help you choose the beautician.